Firstly I'd like to apologise that there has been no activity on my blog the last month. I haven't made much time for updates, but they will follow soon.
This is my last day in Peru. I'll be getting on a bus for Lima soon and fly to Vancouver, Canada at 2am tomorrow. And so my adventure in South America comes to an end. If feels a bit weird as it only really sank in yesterday that I will be leaving. I am, however, looking forward to Canada as moving around on a regular basis has become a bit draining...especially in a poor-ish country where everyone wants to sell you something. Saying that, Peru has been an interesting experience with some great people along the way.
I have to thank everyone who I have met along this leg of my travel, you have made it unforgettable for me!
I'm off....hope to give you something to read soon.
Ciao for now!
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