Friday, May 27, 2011


There was a call from Gary and Sallie to reunite Team Fantastico in Pucon, as they (incl. Orlagh) were already there and Alex & I were kind of close. So, instead of heading straight for Santiago I stopped in Pucon for 3 days.

I arrived late at night (see the post of Chiloe) and got a nice hostel right next to the bus station, called Wohlenberg. The owner was from German decent. Why not stay at the same hostel as the others? It was full. Just as well, because I like mine more. And for some reason, almost all the backpackers I spoke too were either going to the other place or had stayed there. Its right across from the other bus station (each company seems to have their own).

The next day I slept in. The others had gone hiking up the volcano. This was a bit pricy, but more importantly I wanted to sort out my Canadian Visa application. There was quite a lot of information that they required, but I finally got it all together, on the second day :( I felt like I was back in the office sorting out paperwork. Even though it was a nice change, I’m glad it was only temporary.

Alex arrived a day and a half after me.

The rest of my time in Pucon I just chilled. Drank beer with the guys, slept late and walked around a bit. Pucon has a very relaxed atmosphere and the people are nice. Its a small town, surrounded by a couple of hills on the one side (in the distance), the volcano and a lake. So going to the “beach” is a nice afternoon stroll.

In proper style, we had another farewell dinner as Team Fantastico. Needless to say that the night go really late. Fortunately no early bus to catch the next day :)

I was still a bit stressed as the visa application would determine my future travel plans. And since the visit to April, in Vancouver, was the catalyst to get this trip going, the visa application was critical.

All on the bus, we headed north. Alex (who couldn’t find space on our bus) and I were getting off in Santiago. The rest heading to Valparaiso. And so our final stint as Team Fantastico ended.

The deck where I had breakfast every morning – Volcano looking over the town – The “beach”

Sunset at the beach – Not sure if this is a predator bird, but there are lots of them


Edico said...

Hi Ruan! Jy is regtig nou darem in 'n beeldskone deel van die wereld... Jy kan seker nie wag om weer bietjie son te sien nie :) ! Enjoy it man!

GreenOnion said...

Why is beach in quotes? That looks pretty beachy to me

rdehart said...

To me, a beach has waves :)
But as sand next to water goes...this place was beautiful.

rdehart said...

Hey D.
Jip, beeldskoon is die woord.
Bietjie lank laas geskryf, maar is nou al in sonskyn vir so bietjie meer as ´n week. So veel beter as die reen :)

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