Monday, February 20, 2012

Music festival – 10 July

Certain things you can only get in certain places. Ever heard of Bubble Tea? I hadn’t, but April assured me that I had to try it. It’s basically flavoured tea with gelatine balls. We had to go to downtown Vancouver to find a shop that sold Bubble tea. I actually had a “red tea” which is better know back home a Rooibos tea. It is served cold and even though the gelatine doesn’t taste of much, but it is a new sensation. A little chewy so you get to keep busy while drinking :)

We’d heard about a music festival in Stanley park (I forget the occasion) which sounded cool. April had to work (she was saving up for her studies, hence all the working), but I went with some of her friends I’d met before.
”Sprit of the West” was playing, one of April’s favourite band, so I was her proxy. To me great disappointment and regret (I got played some of their music later at home & it would’ve been a great concert), we got there too late and only caught their last song :( Bummer. We did see the main act, a Canadian band, but not quite my taste. At least the company was good.

Bubble tea – Vancouver at sunset from Stanley park – Spirit of the West

Cool lighting on the main stage – Huge lit up beach balls bounced around by the crowd – The Ferry terminal all lit up.


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