Thursday, January 13, 2011

Packing my life into bags

This is the last week before we depart for Rio. I have been frantically getting myself ready for departure, but it hasn’t been easy. I have had to buy lots of gear, mostly aimed at the Atlantic crossing. Fortunately this gear will also be handy when travelling.

Thanks to some generous Christmas gifts (in the form of gift vouchers or cash) I have been able to buy all the gear I have been piecing together in my mind for the last month or two. This has meant that I have crammed what I can only assume usually takes approximately a month’s worth of part time shopping into three days. I am not one that usually enjoys shopping, but this was fun. Partly because it am excited about all the cool stuff I have been buying :) These include: Backpack, tent, sleeping bag, hammock, warm jacket, wick-dry shirts, wick-dry shorts, medical supplies, chargers, camera and a book.


Here is a layout of all the stuff that I am taking along. I have not separated the sailing & touring gear.


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GreenOnion said...

hahaha I know you won't see this for a month, but I love the look you're giving the camera in that picture! It is both hilarious and will probably haunt me for a good week.

On a side note, what book did you pick?

rdehart said...

Finally back on dry land. Glad you liked the pick. Was taken at 00:30 & I was dead tired.

Book: Spud - John van der Rut

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