It seems that most sailing manoeuvres are done early in the morning, or late in the afternoon. I guess this is due to the change in conditions. True to this, we started the day with a gibe before breakfast. I felt bad having to wake everyone as they were all sleeping so soundly.
The day has been incredibly hot and all of us have been hiding from the heat. Ironically it is cooler on deck, as long as you remain in the shade. I spent most of the morning sleeping as I have been dead tired since last night.
Before were departed from Cape Town, Dale mentioned his desire to catch fish on this trip. He has packed two instant braais (container, charcoal and blitz incl.) and bought fishing tackle. As we have been sailing slowly due to the lack of wind, there conditions were good to catch fish. Leroy and Hans cast our two lines off the stern and fastened them to the mooring cleats. Now we wait.
Dale has asked me to do a follow up on the article I wrote for “Die Burger”, a newspaper back home, about “life aboard Xtra-Link”. Let the creative juices flow :)
Our initial estimate of our arrival date has been badly influenced by the lack of wind. We have had another “worst day”. The aim is, as it was from the start, to do a sub-“20 day” crossing. I hope the wind picks up so that we can still achieve this.
Trying to catch some variety for our meals
Woah! What neat looking fish!
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